

In a delirious state.
I became irate.
The fever raged on,
And I felt I was conned.

Whispering meadows loomed sullenly on my lids;
Searching for the one with the highest bid.

Sunlight grew weakly.
My eyes strained meekly.
The drone of noise;
Broke my poise.
My hands shook;
As I held this book.
My stomach growled;
As the wind howled.
My lips became parched;
As my back arched.
My back was stiff;
I had started to rift.

I tore the sheets from my skin,
And to my surprise I could see the germs within.
Panic rose, shrilling my voice.
But when I screamed I had no choice.

Just then I strained to hear, a voice came quietly into my ear.
Telling me of all its fears.
I realized then it wasn't a stranger.
It was me, my voice rising in terrible danger.