
Time Spent Waiting

The amount of time we spend waiting is rather questionable is it not? When you think about it we spend a good portion of our lives waiting for things. Like waiting for the bus or traffic. Or maybe waiting for appointments or waiting on people to show up. Waiting to travel to a destination. Waiting for that feeling of being complete and like you finally belong right in that moment. Waiting for love perhaps. It’s a curious thing, waiting. Why do we wait? Because we haven’t much a choice now do we?

            I often wonder why in life we consistently wait for things to happen. Of course I myself must admit I'm not one to go out and make things happen, I'm far too Pessimistic for such motivation. However that being said, why don’t we make things happen for ourselves or even for others, providing we are kind enough to give a damn about another human being. Which might I add, is far and few in between.

            Don’t you find it odd how we emotionlessly accept the fact that we have to wait? Why haven’t we built time machines or teleporting devices or androids to love us? Is it so that we cannot ever reach that goal we all so hungrily strive to accomplish? Struggling up a perilous mountain filled with death, gloom and sadness only to make it to the “top” and be let down by the bitter end, meaning death of course.

We go through so many trials and really where do they take us? What do they get us? Next to nothing really. Sure they may get us ahead for a bit but why is life a race? Why are we stepping over each other ruthlessly to “get ahead” when getting ahead really just means closer to death? When you think about it you cannot deny that the only constant thing in life is of course birth and death. We work so hard towards nothing but death. What does this life really mean for us all? Is it just a cruel game? Who knows.

Curiosity is so powerful and yet we can never quench that thirst. Fore we never really know the answers. Sure there's theories or speculations but no one can prove anything either way. We wait for death to bring us all of the answers and then we are unable to share them with the ones we left behind. I call that pretty damn cruel. I'm not saying id want all the answers really, id just like to be able to find a purpose for my life. It irritates me that I have no idea if I'm here to do something or if I'm just wasting space because that’s how things go and that’s that.

In any case, my purpose in life has yet to rear its ugly head. And often times than not I doubt it ever will. We go on living every day hoping tomorrow will be the day that everything becomes clear, an epiphany of sorts I suppose. Tomorrow ill find that person I cant live without. Tomorrow my quest in life will become clear. Tomorrow ill do something that will change the world. Tomorrow ill feel like this is the moment ive been waiting for. Tomorrow ill finally become one with the earth. Tomorrow I might die.

How is it that we are okay with living such a clueless life? They say we are the most evolved. Are we? We know nothing but what we can see, taste, hear, smell, touch. Id include sense in there but sense is also something we do not understand. Theories, our lives are based on theories. How can we be okay with that? How?

Authors note: A short rant or inquisitive moment. I hope you enjoyed or at least found it thought provoking. If you cant relate or don’t exactly see the point to this blog then that’s okay, I understand that everyone is not of like minds and that only a select few will truly understand where my mind lies. In any case whatever it made you think/feel I hope you take that into consideration, good or bad. Also, I know its a bit scattered but I hope you were able to follow along.