
Fire & Brimstone Meets Dark Waters

Fire and Brimstone Meets Dark Waters

I'm about to tell you a tale of two exceptional dreams this writer has had. The first consists of fire, death and destruction. The second depicts the frantic escape from dark water. I hope you enjoy these two tales of the most powerful elements.

Fire and Brimstone

Hand in hand I walked with my Mother down a peaceful street lined with glorious houses. Their gardens erupted with such beauty I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off of them. The houses were all different shapes and sizes, colours as well. The street was quiet, the wind could be heard blowing faintly in the trees creating a mysterious beat. How I miss this peace.

Something tore my eyes from the luxurious gardens and cast my eyes upward. Something more terrifying than anything I had ever seen. A raging fireball tore through the sky which had now darkened into a deep orange stripe with red gashes. This fireball headed straight for the house we were in front of. I felt stunned and was unable to move.

The prompting of my Mothers strong grip flung me back into motion. She yanked at my arm and we sped forward. All the beautiful houses that lay beside us were being destroyed by fireball after fireball. A raging fire grew between houses travelling faster than our eyes could follow. Terror swept over my body and made me propel forward heedlessly.

I could have fallen to my knees and cried right there if the danger hadn’t been so obvious. The fires blatantly raged beside us as we ran and ran further. It seemed like it would never stop. Suddenly I glanced to my right towards the other side of the street. All the people were standing outside of their houses gazing glassy eyed at the raging inferno. Some held hoses as the water gushed out onto their ridiculously green grass. Frozen in time they all seemed to be. My eyes implored them to help but it was as if they couldn’t see me.

We kept running until we got to the very last house on the street. Just then I tripped over a rock that had been on fire only moments ago and fell to the ground hard. Quickly I flipped over onto my back and to my utter surprise the largest fireball I had seen throughout this ordeal began hurtling towards me recklessly destroying everything in its path.

I backed up as quickly as I could but not being on my feet left me helpless. In a last futile effort I raised my hands to cover my face and head and hoped the fireball would miss me. It scraped my forearms that were covering my face and landed inches away from my head. I breathed a sigh of relief that I was still alive and only mildly injured. Terrified I searched for my Mother who was a few feet away staring at the whole situation with awe. No one from across the street came to help and it was as though no one had inhabited the houses that were now thoroughly destroyed.

I raised myself to my feet and joined my Mother. Hand in hand we never looked back at the destruction or at all of the people on the other side just standing there trapped in time. We just kept on walking to some unknown destination, numb and terrified.

Dark Waters

A sunny shore with brilliant yellow sand riddled with shells and unique rocks lay beneath my feet. A giant cliff stood behind me as i gazed out into the water. The horizon looked so misty and calm. I could feel the grainy sand trickle from each hand as i dug deeper into the coolness, lifting the cold sand onto the surface to become warm again.

A black metal bunk bed sat beside me, just its hollow frame stood upon the sand bearing the cruel weathers. Sometimes I slept in it as though it was in a house. It made me feel safe and warm even on those cold nights in which the wind whipped at my skin like a whip and left small reddened lashes.

The sky suddenly grew dimmer, clouds began to form over the ocean and the once clam mist became erratic and twisted itself into a devastating smile. Distantly I looked out into the ocean and whispered to myself, for I fear no one else could have heard me if they were around, “Its coming...”

I felt a tug at my back, again my Mother had come to save me from destruction. She pulled me up off the sand and we began to run towards the mammoth cliff. It reminded me of a Bluff on the shores of New Foundland, terrifying and treacherous. We had put in bicycle petals as a way to easily climb the cliff. They were anchored wonderfully.

We scrambled up them as fast as we could and neither of us slipped once despite our hurry. When we reached the top we made a mad dash for the house but when we got there we realized what was coming was something our quaint little house could not handle. We ran to the grocery store.

Our journey to the grocery store wasn’t anything special and we only saw other people when we finally arrived. Everyone was scrambling around inside. All of the food had been put away into the back storage we assumed, though we didn’t much care at this point. It looked so barren and depressing seeing no food in a store that’s meant to have plenty.

We, along with many others, ran this way and that trying to find the stairs. Finally we found them in the back near the East corner. They were those cold metal stairs with holes and slats so you could see beneath you. I certainly didn’t want to look down but didn’t have much of a choice. There was people everywhere, falling and tumbling down the stairs they had just climbed. Ruthless and uncaring we all seemed to be in the face of danger.

My Mother pulled me up the rest of the way by my right arm, pulling me past person after person. Finally we made it to the huge metal slab that circled the entire building. It felt strange to walk on because it was curved so that at the end where it was furthest away from the walls it lipped up to hold everyone I suppose. We took a seat along the wall and huddled together fearfully.

At that moment the black water began to rush in. The doors flew open and the windows all smashed and so much dark water gushed in with immense force the entire building rocked. The water piled in but stopped just at the lip of the edge. It was so silent you could hear everyone’s heartbeat.

The water was completely still and pitch black. The lights flickered and went out though there was somehow enough light to see faintly. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but it had only just begun. Through the black water a scaly hand pierced the surface and grabbed the young boy that was huddled in front of us near the edge. Screams erupted from everyone's throats. In the next instant the young woman that was once huddled beside the young boy was dragged into the water as well to meet the same fate. Scaly fists shot through the water and began to drag everyone they could get their hands on into the water.

Mother and I ran for our lives. It was utter chaos with everyone trying to get away from the terrifying fists and a fate that seemed almost worse than death. For you see the young boy emerged from the dark water. He slid himself onto the metal slab and began to crawl towards the people begging for help. Of course we would have helped him, if it had not been for the fact that he too was now scaly and disfigured. Slowly a tail and fins began to change his entire being as more and more scales pierced through his human flesh to make him a disgusting fish that would become just as those who attacked us.

We ran and ran as more people got dragged in and spit back out. Not once did we ever see the creatures who had initially dragged all those lost souls in but their spawn were everywhere and multiplying quickly. We backed up against the wall as far as we could in a small corner and prayed they would not see or sense us. Soon everything became quiet again. There was not a ripple in the water nor a scream from a victim.

We stood side by side for what seemed like eternity but was only a minute or two. Slowly we began to breathe again. Still too terrified to move we stood for even longer. My Mother pointed with her eyes at the edge. The water was slowly receding. We were so relieved we both slipped to the cold metal slab and began to sob. There were few around us that had made it through this ordeal but we all felt a wave of relief and success for making it through.

Soon all the water had vanished except for a few puddles here and there. I had found a small vial that must have washed in with the water and collected a sample. Who knows if I would ever get it tested but I sure as hell was going to tell my story, if they let me that is.