
Time In Mind

Chapter 1

Pain etched his brow. His eyelashes flickered. A pulsating light pierced his dilated pupils. His lips were stained a deep rouge. His skin stretched across his cheek bones threatening to tear. He laid there. Still

Chapter 2

I had always wondered what it was like to be trapped in a deep sleep. What it would be like to roam ones mind aimlessly. I suppose today I got my wish.

When I woke up today I had awoken something deep within me. Something fierce and threatening. Without realizing it I poured myself a glass of orange juice and had consumed the entire glass within seconds. I felt ravenous and yet sick. Sliding my hand into the bread bag I pulled out a slice of bread and popped it into the toaster. This would have to do.

On the way to the door a creek echoed in the hall. I spun around but found I was alone. Shaking my head I pushed the paranoia back down to the pit of my stomach and continued on. I am always alone. Why would there be someone there? I thought.

There was a dull ache in my right temple. I had probably smashed it without thinking off the bedpost or something of the likes. Or maybe there was a cancerous tumor starting to eat its way through my flesh to expose its obesity and grotesque self. Pulsating like a heart and oozing a pink cream like substance. I chuckled to myself at the thought. If only.

Chapter 3

I slammed the door as I always did when I had to get up at 5:00AM. I thought the neighbours appreciated it. Of course that’s probably why they glare at me when I come home every evening or never clean up their dog shit off my lawn, or their own shit for that matter. The shot gun would fix that I suppose but I'm afraid I'm just too far North for that.

Passing by the dull houses which aligned the unfortunate street I lived on I kicked a few misguided rocks. Walking was the pits but it made me keep on the boarder of being morbidly obese, just under in fact. Of course if you asked any of the people in this small town they would tell you they are surprised I didn’t float away. Under their breath they would add “of course I wish he would.” The place I was going was only about 37 blocks from my house. Only.

Maybe I should skip the rest of the way? Or I could just continuously give the neighbourhood the finger and frown, that would downsize the amount of calories that where in that single toast I ate I'm sure. I’d much prefer that anyways.

Billyjanedoefuckhead passed by… Bill for short. “Hows the genital warts coming along Bill?” I asked sarcastically. He scoffed and brushed by hitting my shoulder on the way. I spun around “oh baby you know how I like it” I taunted. His retort was something along the lines of “fuck off and die”. I told him I’d be glad too with a devious smirk.

A black cat crossed my path, I called out to it and knelt down to stroke its shiny fur. It purred loudly and nudged my hand. “How’s it going Thirteen?” He meowed in response. I continued on my way. His name wasn’t really Thirteen I just thought it was ironic that everyone thought he was bad luck. Might as well make him double trouble right? At least that was my logic.

Chapter 4

Finally I had made it to my destination. Across town, skid row, if you will. This is where I worked. What’s my job you may be wondering? I shoveled shit for a living. Alright I suppose that’s a bit unfair. I make sure all the “precious” people in my town have fresh grass to lay every year. Rich sons of a bitches. Instead of you know taking care of their lawns yearly they decide every spring to just lay new slabs down. If you don’t participate in this ritual of sorts, you’re shunned. I'm sure you can guess where I fit into this town by now.

It’s not so bad, the job I mean. I'm alone most of the day except for when the boss comes along to sniff the grass and chew on the tips of each batch. It’s a fetish I'm sure of it. Not much goes into making grass, the basics stuffed with a shit ton of non organic chemicals but no one knows that. As long as it looks good who cares right?

Seven hours a day I spend there. It seems like seconds. Just turn on the auto pilot switch. Today was a bit different however. I slipped out of my street clothing, noting I need to get some new underwear at some point, moths plagued this town. Maybe it was the new revelation in the Bible. I zipped up my work jeans and slipped on a loose old Rock T shirt I had deemed a work shirt just to annoy the people I worked with. They hated anything that had to do with anything. What else was new though?

I tapped a scuffed boot on the side of my locker to close it and headed for my work station. Injecting chemicals into grass seeds was not how I envisioned my future. Though I suppose we never really envision ourselves become prostitutes or burnt out abused wives. Life’s tough and we never seem to end up where we want to be. I guess halfway is better than no way at all. Sometimes I wonder if I’d prefer no way. Seems like it would give you a lot of opportunity to choose whatever way you wanted, but that’s another story.

The day went by smoothly enough. I got in my quota of injections and I'm sure the boss got in his quota as well, not quite the same however. I also got my fill of blank stares and dirty looks, it’s to be expected when you’re the towns black sheep. Even the low lives on skid row seemed to look down upon me. I paid them no heed however. What did I care if I didn’t fit in to their world? I didn’t want to anyways.
Chapter 5

Strangely enough on the way home I caught a glimpse of my favorite person. His name is Luke. His hair fell just below he's shoulders and shimmered a rustic colour in the day light. Most people would mistake it for a dull brown but often many don’t see the intricate beauties in small simple things. His eyes were an olive shade with a splash of sage streaking outwards from the pupil. He was a fairly thin man but very tough. You wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alleyway that’s for certain. He moved swiftly and yet with manly grace.

Much like myself, he was an outcast. Neither of us fit in this town and yet we stayed. Maybe we were drawn to the oddities in life. Maybe we enjoyed being alone and feared. Maybe we were sick fucks trying to weave webs of entanglement to capture the strange and unusual. Regardless of why we were here, the fact of the matter is that we are.

I’d never gotten a chance to talk to him for more than five minutes. He is 3 years older than me and extremely Antisocial. He never attended anything that wasn’t mandatory and hardly ever attended functions that were. He's lucky he had graduated high school though I'm sure he was smart enough. You know you’re an outcast when you don’t even belong with the outcasts in school.

Isolation was something we both had in common. It’s too bad he didn’t care enough to realize we were one and the same.

Chapter 6

Sighing I climbed my front steps and unlocked my door. The key assaulted the lock harshly and made the other keys dance and smash together. Turning the handle I stepped inside. A feeling of dread washed over me. There was probably something I had forgotten to do and now it was fermenting beneath the kitchen sink. Mutating into something hideous that would wander the night and devour innocent victims with ravaged claws and hunger beyond ones imagination.

I ran my tongue along my bottom lip and bit down with excitement. I pulled the cupboard door open nearly yanking it off its hinges. I knelt down. Disappointment sank my stomach in a pool of acid. I kicked it closed and walked to the fridge. Staring in blankly I pulled out some leftovers and tossed it into the microwave. Man’s best friend.

After I was finished eating I sat on the couch to vegetate. I pictured my brain boiling in spinal cord fluid sparking without ignition. My cerebellum dissolving and my skull bleeding red tinged puss. I pressed the power button with a callused finger and switched off the idle lamp. It sizzled. It must have burnt out just as I had switched it off. I shrugged.

Flicking through the channels I found nothing of interest. I decided to call it quits. It was getting late anyways. Almost 1:00 AM. Just as I had gotten up to head to the bedroom a knock sounded at my front door. Curiosity made my stomach flutter and a tingling sensation danced along my spine. I glanced at the time once again to make sure I wasn’t mistaken. 1:00 AM it was. I tiptoed towards the door nearly skipping with excitement.

Chapter 7

I opened the door cautiously and stood in the doorway stunned. “Uh hi, I know we haven’t really talked all that much but um I was wondering if you could, may I come in?”
“Sure…” I stated. I shook my head ruffling my hair. “Come on in Luke.”
I lead him to the couch. He sat down heavily. The chair he had chosen appeared to swallow him whole. Its black surface made his pale skin stand out however. His jaded eyes gleamed. He blinked a few times hard. I noticed his extenuated eyelashes and found myself staring intently.

He glanced up just then. “I'm sorry for intruding at such a late hour, but I figured you were still awake. A night owl right?” He chuckled lifelessly.
“Yeah, I suppose I am. What can I do you for Luke?” I questioned
“Ah, well you see.” He paused. “This is strange I guess, though maybe you wont find it quite so.”
I listened intently trying to gauge his actions and emotions. He looked run down yet there was a spark of life still left in his eyes. Tension seemed to line his shoulders and he sat awkwardly. Maybe it was the dull lighting. I cursed the lamp light for burning out. Only the light of the kitchen lit the darkened room.
“Sorry about the light.” I said without thinking.
He tilted his head for a moment, confusion etched his brow. He only nodded in response.
“Do you think our minds work as one? I mean to power something bigger than us. All of us put together would be a powerful force.” Luke noted.
I glanced at him as I genuinely thought about his question. “I suppose, but we are all so different how is it possible we would be able to control something without having conflicting feelings and wishes?”
“But aren’t we all the same when it comes down to it? We are creatures who are savage. Blood thirsty beings that will stop at nothing to obtain what we desire.”
“We all have our basic human instincts of course. I'd like to think we have evolved, if only slightly, enough to push those desires beneath our skins for the duration of our existence.” I murmured.
“Hmmmm” was Luke’s response.

Distantly I gazed out the window. I was lost in thought for a few moments. “Why?” The single word slithered between my lips and out of my mouth reverberating against the cold bleak walls.
I felt dazed as though I was on some powerful sedatives. I fought to keep his eyes open though it was still early in his eyes.
I had forgotten Luke was present until he shuffled in his seat uncomfortably startling me to my senses. Luke’s sharp eyes pierced me with his gaze.
Slowly I felt myself begin to drift. The lids of my eyes sluggishly closed as if they were doors in a horror movie creaking shut. My lips and throat suddenly became dry. My limbs lay lifelessly beside my body. I sunk into the couch my breath became shallow. Finally I drifted into a deep sleep.

Chapter 8

He felt as though he could not control his body when he awoke. His eyes fluttered open on their own and he noticed his vision was blurred. His eyelids refused to respond at any attempts to squint or blink them. Panic struck him hard like a fuel injected fire furiously burning its way through his insides making him break out into a cold sweat. Why am I unable to move any part of my body? He thought helplessly. Bile climbed his throat threatening to spill over his lips, down his chin and drip grotesquely to his chest. My lips. He thought. They don’t feel the same, they feel as though they are not mine. Foreign. He attempted to wiggle his fingers. Nothing.

Distantly he heard a moan. It sounded like it was coming from inside of him. He heard Luke’s voice. “Jeff are you awake?” Jeff winced. You’re talking too loud Luke he thought. He felt his body rise from the couch and shake something. What am I doing? I didn’t tell my body to move and what am I shaking? He thought frantically. A second ago I couldn’t control any part of my body what’s going on? He felt dizzy and as though he was floating instead of walking. His body jutted forward, stopped sharply and swayed from side to side. Am I drunk? He pondered curiously.

Finally his vision sharpened. His pupils contracted and dilated slowly as if one was turning the focus on a camera. What he saw shocked him beyond belief. He saw himself.

Chapter 9

A cold and distant look in his eyes sent shivers down… whose spine? He wondered. Surely not mine. His mind was racing attempting to digest the carnivorous seed that had planted itself deep within his brain tissue.
He bit his lip. “Ow!” Luke mumbled. Jeff had been able to take over Luke’s body for just a moment. Surprise loomed over his mind.
I'm sorry he thought hoping Luke could somehow hear him.
“Its okay, but… what’s happened?” Luke questioned.
I'm not sure… Jeff thought.

Luke began to sweat profusely. “It’s happened Jeff… It’s really happened.” He feverantly spoke. His words skipping over another much like a game of leap frog once played as a young child. His mind boiled and sloshed around in the attempts to gain control and understanding of the situation presented.
Jeff’s mind was equally twisted into tangled up knots. Tugging at the roots making them ache and bleed as the flesh tore the more he thought.

Chapter 10

A distant cackle rang in their ears. The front door swung open slowly yet hard, riding the hinges and making them spark. A powerful stench filled the air and knocked Luke’s body back. He stumbled and gripped the mantel tightly. His pink flesh turned a sickened white. Veins erupted in his arm shattering the muscle and soaking the bone in hot liquid. Pain registered in the depths of his eyes. Despite his efforts he stumbled to the ground and laid there. Still.

Swirls of smoke lingered inches above the hardwood floor. Slowly a darkness crept into the hall. More cackles could be heard. They came from deep within this creature and escaped its throat acidicly. The creatures voice rang out stinging their ears.
“What… have we here?” The creatures voice was foreign and the words were spat out awkwardly with a ripe amount of deviousness. It was a mere whisper however it struck both the men slithering down their spines and eating away at their intestines.

The cracking of bones could be heard as the creature stepped closer. Jeffs body lay limp and lifeless. The creatures head tilted slowly and disjointedly as its hollow eyes took in the sight. A rumbling rose beneath the creature’s tattered robe.

Jeff thought he could see a smirk upon the creature’s thick grey lips but his mind refused to believe. He slowly ran his eyes along the creature’s body. This took great courage but somehow Jeff mustered it. The creatures robe flared open at the neck and down its chest. Jagged scars could be seen along its chest that seemed to be dancing as though they too were alive.
The creature stood quite tall however it appeared that the creature had no spine and so it leaned back a bit too far for Jeff’s liking. Not that he liked having this creature show up at his door of course.
The smoke encircled and licked at the creatures legs. A foul wind fluttered the tattered hems of its robe. A loose frayed rope clung to the creature’s waist though it did not hold the ensemble together as well as Jeff would have liked.
Finally Jeff’s eyes, or are they Luke’s? Jeff wondered. Rested at the creature’s hips. The creature was indeed male. Jeff could not take his eyes off of the creature’s grotesquely large cock. Though it was paled a light grey the veins throbbed a shady pink. It was fully erect as though the creature got quite a bit of excitement from this game he was about to play. It peaked out from beneath the robe mockingly. The tip seemed to dance in tune to a silent song.
The creature followed Luke and Jeff’s gaze. A horrifying laugh built and spilled out of the creature’s mouth.
“Is it to your liking?” The creature spoke in a husky voice much different from that of its voice only moments ago. The creature opened its mouth and ran its slimy black tongue across its fangs. It pressed hard against the sharpest of them and cut open its tongue. Blood oozed out and dripped down his chiseled chin.

Chapter 11

At that moment skittering and scattering could be heard in the distance. It rumbled and got louder. Something’s coming Jeff and Luke thought simultaneously. Around the corner came the first of many.

Rotting corpses crawled on their backs. Their bones disjointed and splintered. They moved quickly as though with purpose, like they were being called upon to rise from the depths of hell. From the most gruesome and ghastly corners spawned from curdling blood and the flesh of the innocent as feed. Fluid oozed out of every orifice and dripped mockingly on the hard wood floors.

Their tongues darted out feasting on each other. Their cold hollow eyes examined Luke and Jeff’s souls. Slithering they came closer. A few of them stayed behind and eagerly glanced up at the creature, they must have been waiting for their cue, I'm not sure since I was much too busy staring intently at the others climbing on top of my lifeless body. Their rotten flesh caressed my skin. Their nails dug in and drew beading strands of blood. The lapped at the wounds with their snake like tongues tongues. My clothes began to mold and crumble to my sides off of my body.

Finally I lay there naked. The creature took two strides to reach my body. He looked down mockingly. A fierce laugher bubbled deep in his throat. Cackles could be heard from his minions and the two sounds collided erotically with one another. It was like sweet torment to my ears. Blood rushed through my body pumping rhythmically.

The creature lifted his arm slowly. A boney hand outstretched through the tattered robe. He ran a razor sharp nail along my cheek. The minions backed away and hissed in unison. The creature’s eyes darted around piercingly. His finger continued down my neck and across my chest. The palm of his hand rested against my chest directly over my heart. A slow pain crept into my mind.

Luke began to breathe heavily, his pulse erratically racing. In my mind I could feel these things Luke’s body was feeling. We were desperately entwined with no hope and at the mercy of this creature. Slowly I began to feel my body die. My organs churned flipping upside down and inside out. My stomach was yanked by my intestines and swirled into a neat ball at my body’s core. My veins began to burst under immense pressure. Every orifice began to bleed a lethargic red river oozing out and pooling in the empty crevices. Muscle spasms made my flesh crawl and twitch.

My body was crushed into a small triangular shape that fit in the palm of the creatures boney hand. He looked at his work in what seemed like mock despair. Blood mixed with stomach acid and other various fluids leaked between his fingers and fell perilously to the floor. His tongue darted out and tasted my crushed body. I felt a shiver lurch through my spine. How is this possible? I wondered. How is any of this possible? My mind countered. I sighed.

Chapter 12

Luke’s body shivered violently. His mind seemed to be taking all this worse than mine. I tried to sooth Luke, why I'll never understand. “Luke I'm not sure what’s going on but calm down we can’t show him we are fearful, it gives him pleasure. Too much in fact.” Luke’s breathing slowed as though I had gotten through to him.
“I know.” Was his only reply.

The creature flung my triangulated body against the wall and swung abruptly towards Luke’s body. He took a giant step towards us and knelt down all in the same movement. This startled Luke and he sank deeper into the couch. He had regained some control of his body it appeared. “Run.” I screamed inside Luke’s head. He stayed put, apparently transfixed on the creatures gaze.

“So it is you, Attila” The creature spoke in awe. Luke and I were both confused beyond belief.
“I killed your body. I've killed so many my Master, looking for you. So many tortured indignant screams I bore to find you.” It said.
“Why didn’t you call for me?” The creature said with a sudden flash of rage. An extremely hurt look etched the creatures features.

Suddenly Jeff saw what the creature had meant and knew exactly what to do. Jeff gained control of his friends body and spoke aloud. “It is I.” Jeff paused for a moment. “You needed to prove yourself, it is why I did not call. I should chastise you for you’re irrational thoughts.” Jeff spoke. For once in his life his found sounded sturdy and sure. “My Master, I-”
“No.” Jeff stated firmly. “My body is no use to me now and I do not desire another.”
“I.. I'm sorry my Master.” The creature stammered.
“You’ll pay later. This body will have to do. I've left my memories in the other body you’ve been so quick to destroy. You’ll have to explain quite a bit to me again.”
“Of course my Master. I'm terribly sorry. Please have mercy.”
“We shall see how much mercy you deserve. Now, let me get used to this body.” Jeff stood up and used Luke’s body as his own. This took amazing strength both mental and physical. Luke was helping some. I think he knew where I was going with this. Or at least I hoped. Jeff stretched Luke’s arms and bent each knee a few times, he also threw in a couple knuckle cracks just for performance purposes.

“Master, you’ll have to terminate the creature inside of this body.” The creature said softly.
“I do not wish to quite yet. He is at bay, do you doubt my power?” Jeff said in mock anger hoping it would convince the creature.
“Of course not Master, no… never.” It hurried to convince.
I nodded. I boldly took a step towards the creature. I knew what I had to do.
“Your body. Its mine. I want your body.”
“You… my body?” The creature said shocked. Id tipped him off balance. Perfect.
“Yes.” I said simply.
“Yes.” The creature replied. It looked down and to the side. Of course I couldn’t take this creatures body. It had me all wrong. I have and continue to have no idea how I was still living after the creature destroyed my body. But I did. I gripped the mantle with one hand. Slipped it across 5 or 6 inches and grabbed the cast iron poker that I always kept up there because I was too cheap to by a stand. With all my strength and Luke’s too we swung. The poker smashed into the creature’s temple and dug in. I yanked it out and drew it back again but there was no need. The creature’s body slowly slipped to the floor. It landed on its knees and sunk slowly into the floor boards. Ash became of the creatures skin and seeped into the cracks in the floor boards. All the minions skittered away.

Chapter 13

Luke and I were left in an empty and hollow house. The sound of the night screamed loudly in our ears having been muted for what seemed like hours but was only 13 seconds. Time is a strange thing. I thought fleetingly. “Indeed it is.” Luke responded to my thought. “Indeed it is.”  


Lost Episodes #3

For a spell I wrote pure horror with a dash of romance. Some of, in my opinion, best works are of the horror variety. This one is quite old and very short but lovely at the same time. The inspiration for this one was the movie The Decent, again old but a fairly decent movie. I liked the concept of being in a cave of sorts with wild and mutated creatures lurking about. I also had, had an awesome vision clear in my mind for this one. Hope you enjoy!


He looked around pushing a few strands of hair out of his face. His nose upturned he sniffed the air, Blood he thought panicking. He clenched his fingers into the dirt feeling it give way easily. Trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness of where ever he was he blinked rapidly for a minute or two, though it seemed like a life time had passed before he was able to see even a hint of movement. Attempting to get his bearings he inched forward on his hands and knees. Placing his right hand in front of him he felt something cold. A rock maybe he thought. Upon closer exploration of his hand he felt the hollows of her cheek and the soft fullness of her lips he had once lost himself in through tender kisses. A feverant panic began to rise within him making his stomach flip and his bones quake with fear. Searching for a pulse he let his hand slide down her neck, over her collar bone and rest on her left breast plate. A weak thumping relieved some of his fears and tension as he leaned down searching for her hot breath on his moist skin. She was so cold, but alive he kept telling himself in the depths of his panicked mind. Grasping her shoulders he pulled her close to his toned but strained body. He heard a clicking sound but his senses mislead him so he was unable to determine where or what was making the subtle sound. Something was moving to his left, oh god, what is that? He thought and he instinctively pulled her closer to his body, melding their skin as if to become one. A snarl came from above him and as he looked up, hot sticky fluid dripped onto his lips. He ran his tongue over them and tasted the familiar taste of metal, blood.  


Lost Episodes #2

I'll start with a very short one, a single paragraph to be exact. It was just a burst of expression of my feelings at the time with no backdrop or vision. Very simple and pure, if you will. At the time I was feeling very overwhelmed and wished for things around me to "just stop for a moment". I also adore rain which to me symbolizes sadness and yet an intense peacefulness as well. Hair has always been something I love to look at and as a child I mostly wanted to be a Mermaid because I loved how hair swims in the water. Hope you enjoy!

A single raindrop slipped down her pert nose and fell splashing to the ground. “Jesus... you would think it would stop for just a moment wouldn’t you? But no. Not for me.” She murmured to herself. Shaking her soaked hair sharply to the right it slapped at her shoulder as a few strands came around the other side of her head and were pasted harshly to her distinguished face.  

The next is a story I truly adore. I love all my writing but this story at the time meant a lot to me. It was a way for me to let out my emotions and exactly what I wanted but couldn't tell anyone. This is one straight from my heart. I actually really hope to finish this one even if it isn't very long. For a very long time I kept coming back to this one and thinking "man I really love this one and need to finish it." But as most things go I just didn't feel the love any more and I simply couldn't do my own story justice. Regardless I hope you enjoy this one as well! 

“Thank you” her graciousness was a mere whisper. He turned onto his side. “No need to thank me, I wanted to… I love you.” He replied with passion steering his voice. His eyes roamed her face for any clues as to what she was thinking. Her eyes remained closed for a few seconds but quickly fluttered open as though she had just registered his words. She cocked her head to the right and looked up into his face blankly.
“Is your love for me more than what you intended it to be?” She questioned. He pondered a moment. His brows knitted as he thought earnestly.
“Yes, I’ve loved you from the beginning but as time passed by my love for you grew to…” he paused for a moment. Just by looking at her he had lost his train of thought and had fallen into a sweet abyss. “Something… more.” A vague whisper escaped his lips.
She smiled as though at that moment everything in life seemed complete. “I love you too, so much… I always have.” She whispered, adoration lining her frail voice.
He leaned down and kissed her lovingly, delicately spreading her swollen lips with his skillful tongue. He rested a boney hand on her stomach caressing lightly as he slowly worked his way up to her small and sensitive breasts. A moan escaped her lips but was muffled by his own.
I’ve always wanted her, needed her even… now not only do I need her as my best friend but I need her to fulfill my desires. She’s so beautiful and she has so much love to give. How could I have been so blind? He thought. Pain registered in his eyes.
She looked at him intently catching a glimpse. She placed each hand on the sides of his face and stared into his deep blue eyes. They reminded her of luscious pools of vivid blue water, crystal and pure. Time seemed to stop entirely as their eyes locked.

Wind danced across the field. The leaves of the trees tossed and turned, dancing intricately. The tall grass waved as though in greeting, swaying from side to side rhythmically. The scent of blooming flowers sprinkled the air. The white fluffy clouds gave way to the radiant sun, its rays warming their skin.

She spread her palms as she walked. The tall swaying grass tickling her fingertips as she weaved through in a zig-zag pattern. Her direction mattered not for she could spend eternity in this heavenly place. She felt tranquil and yet maddened. Not knowing what kinds of mysterious things she would stumble upon. With each step she slipped deeper and deeper into euphoria.

He saw her through the trees. The light cascaded along her golden brown hair creating natural highlights. She looked so peaceful, so child like. He eased away from the tree he was leaning against idly. Bark snagged the hem of his shirt but gave way with ease and crumbled to the ground. He waded through the grass taking sparing steps so she would not hear him approaching. Hidden thorns from a rose bush nipped at his heel but he paid no heed. He stopped abruptly and turned to his left. Crouching, he plucked a single white rose.

Fresh morning dew dotted the roses petals sliding down to the center and splashing into the pooled collection of water. His arm captured her around the waist startling her. He tightened his grip and whispered softly into her ear. “It’s only me my love.” Tension depleted from her shoulders as she melted into his embrace. He nipped her earlobe playfully. “I brought you a present” he stated between nips.
He presented her with the single white rose. She snatched it from his hand and spun around quickly. A delicate hand lay on his chest as she pushed him away. He was startled for a moment but soon recognized the playful look in her eyes. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. Tumbling towards him her hair frolicked in the wind. The rose pressed in between them. She looked up at him shyly. He eyed her full pouty lips and couldn’t resist. He leaned down for a kiss. Their lips met. Sparks of heated electricity passed through them. Her tongue slid across his lips parting them with ease. Shock registered within him for a brief moment before he was ceased with liquid molten desire.
How is it possible that she can do this to me? He wondered for a fleeting second. His hand danced along her spine pressing them closer together. Heat gathered in his groin. Her eyes fluttered and her finger tips pressed into his flesh. My god if I don’t stop I might take her right now.

He slid a hand between them as if to escape the tantalizing heat that was taking hold of him like a snake suffocates its prey. She mumbled something beneath his lips. The sweet soothing sound of her husky voice gripped his senses and quaked deep within him entangling his heart with his desire. She steered her lips to the right placing them on his cheek. Pulling back she bit her lip and looked up at him with sorrowful eyes. They spoke an unspoken message, whispering a plea. Please don’t hurt me, I love you. It seemed they were saying. Her eyes glistened and made them look as though they were fields of lush grass sprinkled with the rays of delicate sunlight casting mundane shadows waiting to be explored. He nodded knowingly and took her by the hand leading her towards the ruins that lay ahead.

They visited this place often, though only recently did they visit it together. In fact this is where they met on a cold dreary morning filled with overcast and dew. Her mind wandered back to the vivid memory.
She stumbled upon him while he was idly resting against the East wall watching the sunrise. Tears lined her elegant cheeks, dripping down her chiseled jaw line. She seemed subdued at the time. His eyes flashed to the ground, embarrassed. Her cheeks turned bright pink as she started to run. He gripped her arm out of instinct. The feel of her cold skin shook him. Without thinking he asked “is everything alright Miss?” She stood still, arms at her side, her eyes downcast. “I…” she began. “It’s just, well…”
“I'm sorry, It’s not my place to ask”
“No” she smiled fleetingly. “You see, my Father. He's said I'm to be married and… well, I suppose you’ll find this to be amusing but, I’d like to pursue art. My dream I mean, is to be an artist.” She looked to the left into the trees dreamily.
“A dream is something we all have. You should not be ashamed. Your Father is cruel if he cannot see what his Daughter wishes.” He said vehemently. She raised her eyes and peered deep into his.
“Thank you. Someday you will make your Daughter very happy.” She noted distantly.
“Ah yes…” he rubbed the back of his neck as a faint blush defined his cheeks. She giggled happily and wiped a tear that had gathered at the corner of her eye.
“You're very sweet you know.”
“Well… it is how a gentleman should act is it not?” He queried.
“But of course.” She replied. As though her manners had just come back she curtsied. “How silly of me, in all the hustle my manners escaped me. I’m Aurora Foellet.”
He bowed tilting his hat forward. He stopped and stared at the hem of her dress. It rested just above her ankle. Heat washed over him making him break out in a cold sweat. He shook himself awake mentally and said “Very nice to meet you Miss Foellet, I'm Lain Ryder. Are you from around these parts? Your name doesn’t ring a bell I'm afraid.”
She nodded shyly. “I am, my family moved here not too long ago however. I'm afraid I haven’t done much socializing.” She remarked dismayed.
“Ah well…” he grasped her hand in a light embrace and kissed it softly. “I'm sure our paths will cross once again but for now I bid you adieu.” He walked down the ruin steps lazily. She blushed and waved.
Lovely maiden she is, I wonder how many suitors she has. Plenty I'm sure of it. Though her Father seems harsh in his insistence of her marriage. I suppose he has his reasons. Money perhaps? He pondered meekly. “No matter” he absently stated to the path beneath his feet. He kicked a pebble as he continued to day dream about the beauty he had just stumbled upon.

Sighing she gazed at Lain’s broad shoulders and chiseled back as he walked down the beaten path opposite the direction she had come. Her knees felt weak but she couldn’t tell whether it was from meeting such a kind stranger or from her exhausting journey. Aurora collapsed to her knees once he was out of sight. Tears poured out of her eyes and plummeted to the cold stone beneath her.

Lain felt uneasy leaving her just yet so he had walked until out of sight and climbed a rather large tree. Nesting between two branches he squinted and searched. Finally he found her. Her back was facing him and she appeared to be shaking. Concern knitted his brow. “Why am I so concerned over a woman I just met and know nothing about?” he questioned. The trees swayed and the leaves ruffled in response to his question. His right foot slipped on the bark beneath it sending sprinkles of dust hurtling to the ground. Sunlight shone through the leaves guiding its way. Gripping the branch above him he placed his foot sternly on the branch that had misguided him. He grumbled, mumbling beneath his breath.

She rose finally and dusted off her skirts. Wiping her cheek with the back of her hand she laughed mockingly at herself. “I mustn’t be weak at a time like this.” She spoke aloud. She picked up her skirts and gracefully glided to the far side of the structure. She hopped down as if she were a small child at play and weaved through the field. After a few moments she came to a small pond sheltered by willow trees. They waved in the wind as though they were greeting her enthusiastically. She knelt down and touched her finger to the surface of the water. Ripples shimmered and traveled across the pond. A single drop rested on the tip of her finger. She let if fall and rejoin its fellow men. She giggled softly.
“You know this place is just as beautiful as you are.” Lain’s voice was a mere whisper.
She jumped, startled. “I- I thought you had left…” Aurora noted out loud but meant to speak in her mind.
“I'm sorry to startle you, I saw you come this way and well, I suppose curiosity got the better of me. You see I’ve only ever been here by myself and so I was curious as to if you would discover all the secret places hidden around here. It seems you’ve found my favorite spot.” He noted shyly.
A blush formed on her cheeks again. “Its so beautiful here, I love everything about it.” She said, excitement lining her voice.
He chuckled. “I'm glad you like it.”
She spun around and looked up at him. Lain thought she looked like a small child excited to see something new and secret. “This…” she started to speak. “I mean… this isn’t your property is it? I’m so sorry if it is for intruding!” She confessed earnestly.
“Ah no, no its not mine, however I'm sure it belongs to someone.”
“Oh…” She replied. He thought he saw some disappointment in her expression but just as quickly as he had seen this she smiled up at him again.
“Well who ever it is sure must be proud.”
He thought for a moment. “I'm not so sure. If it were my property I wouldn’t leave it unattended for an unescorted women and men such as myself to wander.” He remarked.
She nodded slowly as though deep in thought. “I suppose you’re right Mr. Ryder.”
“Please, call me Lain, Mr. Ryder is so formal.”
She smiled. “Lain.”
As she spoke his name a tingling sensation danced along his spine. Lain. I've never felt that way when someone’s called me by my first name before. How curious. He thought absently.
Shaking her head she said “Gosh I'm so sorry! You may call me Aurora.” Her hair lingered seductively between her breasts for a moment, startled by the shake of her head but soon fell along her shoulders and down her back.
He leaned down on one knee and brushed a loose strand away from her eyes with a callused hand. The closeness startled her but she did not move away. She was glued in place by the warmness of his hand and the deepness of his crystal eyes.

“Aurora.” Lain called out to her. She had stopped at the very pond in which they first met. Her eyes transfixed on the water and deep in thought. He smiled “You were thinking of the time we first met weren’t you?” He said mockingly yet with adoration.
“I was not!” She blushed profusely.

Lost Episodes #1

There are a lot of "lost" or unfinished stories I've abandoned over the years, sadly. I found that whenever I tried to return and finish or attempt to finish those stories I just couldn't. They were no longer appealing to me in the sense that I just didn't have those feelings in me any more that had drove me to write. Mostly romantic stories I suppose and though I still enjoy a good romance novel I find it hard to procure my own. Of course I have various fantasies and lingering thoughts in my mind that are romance related but I found I no longer hold the hopes and dreams of those romances coming to life. I feel quite subdued and accepting of my future. Although I haven't completely accepted my path in life I feel as though I should be letting go of a lot of those girlish hopes. Of course I will not turn a blind eye if the situation happens to appear but I think for me its best that I expect the worst and accept that and move on. Life is so complicated in so many ways, society is a real boner kill however we have two choices, we either live it and accept it or we die trying. My point to this paragraph is not to harp or rant about my seemingly sad fate but to share with you what I once loved. There was a time in my life where I could always write or produce wonderful and loving words and I feel that I am still able to do so but I've become darker and more likely to write a tragic love story rather than a beautiful one. Though some would argue that within the darkness one finds beauty, and I'd be inclined to agree. I hope you enjoy and maybe, just maybe, I'll return to these abandoned stories and complete them.

This first story was when I was in a Lesbian or taboo phase in my life. This one has potential to go further and I'm sorry but I must warn you it stopped quite abruptly. I haven't the foggiest idea where I was going with this one but maybe I'll find my way once more.

Amelia paced the floor making the old wooden floorboards groan with each step. She absently brushed her hair back and grasped the back of her head tightly, digging her nails into the tender flesh of her skull. She felt a sharp stinging sensation and quickly let her hand fall to her side. Sighing she wondered what she was doing, “is this right?” She thought in the back of her head. She suddenly stopped and glanced out the window longingly. “What am I going to do?” she said to the empty room.

Outside the trees rustled in the wind gently as the leaves flipped over onto their backs. Rain is coming she thought. The field of straw swayed in the distance begging to lick at your finger tips and feel you pass through them as you hunt for the perfect spot to lay and look at the clouds roll by. As Amelia looked out of the dusty window fond memories tugged at her heart making it swell with happiness. She could taste the hot, urgent kisses on her swollen lips and the straw beneath her crunching as she was pressed down to the ground by her lover. Amelia looked to the sky and felt a shiver go down her spine. She felt Lily press her finger tips to Amelia’s hot flesh as she unbuttoned her blouse.

A breeze swished its way through the widow that was open a crack. Amelia rubbed the sides of her arms and felt a chill ripple through her body. Absently she looked at the ancient clock that sat atop the fireplace mantel. 10:16 AM it read. Tossing her hair back over he shoulder she walked a few steps to the window to peer out. “She should be here by now, I wonder what’s taking her so long” Amelia thought. Her senses heightened as she thought of the worst. Goose bumps appeared on her bare arms and she shook her head in the attempts to erase her thoughts.

Her chest heaved with each breath. Her milky breasts peaked over the top of her tank top as she leaned forward attempting to gaze outside the window. Squinting she spotted Lily dancing through the fields towards the house. Relieved she briskly walked to the door and swung it open. The hinges cracked and sparked slightly as though they had not been used in decades.

Lily was the most beautiful girl Amelia had ever seen. She had gorgeous black hair that hung tantalizingly down to her lower back. Her eyes were a soft jade and her facial features where a mix of elegance and strength. It suited her very well. Lily is as kind hearted as she is strong.
Once a very long time ago I had run into her at a crucial moment in both of our lives. We were both in College and we had only one class together. This happened to be the hardest class known to man and I fear I was struggling quite a bit. Lily however was doing wonderfully.

One day she came up to me after class and sat lazily on my desk. “You dont understand what Mr. Thorn was talking about today do you?” She asked nonchalantly.
I hesitated. “Well... I guess I dont.” I feared she was going to rat me out but instead she grabbed my bag and beckoned me to follower her. Not that I had much choice in the matter but I gladly followed.   


Foreign Tune

"If I promised an ocean would you care for the notion of staying here and resting your weary head?"

The cold hard pavement lay flush against her naked skin. There's more questions than there's answers. She thought as she looked up into the deep blue sky. Stars and distant lands twinkled faintly in the sky. She wondered how many of those stars were already dead.

Rocks lay beneath her, precariously close to penetrating her milky skin. The cracks in the pavement etched out like wild veins spreading in all directions and meeting at random. Idly her fingertips traced the few that lay beneath her hand. Her other hand lay across her naked torso drumming to a foreign tune.

The wind cooled the air and made her skin prick with anticipation. She waited long enough, she thought. Pressing her palms to the ground she lifted herself up. Walking forward she stopped mid-step and crouched for a moment toying playfully with the patch of grass that lay beneath her feet.

She stood to full height and could sense his heat before he appeared from the small gathering of trees 40 feet away. Her eyes clouded with desire and she sniffed the air. His adored scent travelled along the wind and invaded her senses. She instinctively bit her lower lip, nearly drawing blood.

He made his way through the trees eager to be at her side. He could hear the hissing of a disturbed snake but paid no heed. A snake could not stop him from seeing her, not even. Cracking a few fallen branches beneath his calloused feet he trudged on.
Finally he made it to the clearing. His eyes narrowed at the sight of her. Heat began to thunder rapidly to his loins. He paused for a moment. Simply taking in the glorious sight of her half naked body gleaming in the moonlight. Swiftly he pushed forward, towards her.

She made eye contact and recognized the need buried beneath his cool disposition. Carnivorously she smirked, indulging in the thought that she had caused such a disturbance. He noticed the satisfactory gleam in her eyes and deviously thought how her eyes would look once he had made love to her.

Closing the gap between them he took her soundly into his arms. She longed for the feeling of her breasts pressed against his naked chest. Delicately she ran her nails along his naked back, teasing him playfully. He willed her eyes to look into his. He used this opportune moment to taste her sweet and swollen lips.

Authors note: I never exactly finished this story however looking back on it I believe its better to let the Reader come up with what happens next instead of describing it in great detail. Maybe I am simply at a time in my life where I can no longer write the loving and sensual words that would be written next or maybe it just works better this way. This piece of work is more based on using descriptive words one might not use very often rather than quantity or purpose. Because this story does not exactly describe the characters in detail it allows you, the reader, to imagine whoever you like. Whether it be yourself and your lover, or a beautiful imaginary couple tangled in a heated embrace. You decide. Hope you enjoy.


Fire & Brimstone Meets Dark Waters

Fire and Brimstone Meets Dark Waters

I'm about to tell you a tale of two exceptional dreams this writer has had. The first consists of fire, death and destruction. The second depicts the frantic escape from dark water. I hope you enjoy these two tales of the most powerful elements.

Fire and Brimstone

Hand in hand I walked with my Mother down a peaceful street lined with glorious houses. Their gardens erupted with such beauty I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off of them. The houses were all different shapes and sizes, colours as well. The street was quiet, the wind could be heard blowing faintly in the trees creating a mysterious beat. How I miss this peace.

Something tore my eyes from the luxurious gardens and cast my eyes upward. Something more terrifying than anything I had ever seen. A raging fireball tore through the sky which had now darkened into a deep orange stripe with red gashes. This fireball headed straight for the house we were in front of. I felt stunned and was unable to move.

The prompting of my Mothers strong grip flung me back into motion. She yanked at my arm and we sped forward. All the beautiful houses that lay beside us were being destroyed by fireball after fireball. A raging fire grew between houses travelling faster than our eyes could follow. Terror swept over my body and made me propel forward heedlessly.

I could have fallen to my knees and cried right there if the danger hadn’t been so obvious. The fires blatantly raged beside us as we ran and ran further. It seemed like it would never stop. Suddenly I glanced to my right towards the other side of the street. All the people were standing outside of their houses gazing glassy eyed at the raging inferno. Some held hoses as the water gushed out onto their ridiculously green grass. Frozen in time they all seemed to be. My eyes implored them to help but it was as if they couldn’t see me.

We kept running until we got to the very last house on the street. Just then I tripped over a rock that had been on fire only moments ago and fell to the ground hard. Quickly I flipped over onto my back and to my utter surprise the largest fireball I had seen throughout this ordeal began hurtling towards me recklessly destroying everything in its path.

I backed up as quickly as I could but not being on my feet left me helpless. In a last futile effort I raised my hands to cover my face and head and hoped the fireball would miss me. It scraped my forearms that were covering my face and landed inches away from my head. I breathed a sigh of relief that I was still alive and only mildly injured. Terrified I searched for my Mother who was a few feet away staring at the whole situation with awe. No one from across the street came to help and it was as though no one had inhabited the houses that were now thoroughly destroyed.

I raised myself to my feet and joined my Mother. Hand in hand we never looked back at the destruction or at all of the people on the other side just standing there trapped in time. We just kept on walking to some unknown destination, numb and terrified.

Dark Waters

A sunny shore with brilliant yellow sand riddled with shells and unique rocks lay beneath my feet. A giant cliff stood behind me as i gazed out into the water. The horizon looked so misty and calm. I could feel the grainy sand trickle from each hand as i dug deeper into the coolness, lifting the cold sand onto the surface to become warm again.

A black metal bunk bed sat beside me, just its hollow frame stood upon the sand bearing the cruel weathers. Sometimes I slept in it as though it was in a house. It made me feel safe and warm even on those cold nights in which the wind whipped at my skin like a whip and left small reddened lashes.

The sky suddenly grew dimmer, clouds began to form over the ocean and the once clam mist became erratic and twisted itself into a devastating smile. Distantly I looked out into the ocean and whispered to myself, for I fear no one else could have heard me if they were around, “Its coming...”

I felt a tug at my back, again my Mother had come to save me from destruction. She pulled me up off the sand and we began to run towards the mammoth cliff. It reminded me of a Bluff on the shores of New Foundland, terrifying and treacherous. We had put in bicycle petals as a way to easily climb the cliff. They were anchored wonderfully.

We scrambled up them as fast as we could and neither of us slipped once despite our hurry. When we reached the top we made a mad dash for the house but when we got there we realized what was coming was something our quaint little house could not handle. We ran to the grocery store.

Our journey to the grocery store wasn’t anything special and we only saw other people when we finally arrived. Everyone was scrambling around inside. All of the food had been put away into the back storage we assumed, though we didn’t much care at this point. It looked so barren and depressing seeing no food in a store that’s meant to have plenty.

We, along with many others, ran this way and that trying to find the stairs. Finally we found them in the back near the East corner. They were those cold metal stairs with holes and slats so you could see beneath you. I certainly didn’t want to look down but didn’t have much of a choice. There was people everywhere, falling and tumbling down the stairs they had just climbed. Ruthless and uncaring we all seemed to be in the face of danger.

My Mother pulled me up the rest of the way by my right arm, pulling me past person after person. Finally we made it to the huge metal slab that circled the entire building. It felt strange to walk on because it was curved so that at the end where it was furthest away from the walls it lipped up to hold everyone I suppose. We took a seat along the wall and huddled together fearfully.

At that moment the black water began to rush in. The doors flew open and the windows all smashed and so much dark water gushed in with immense force the entire building rocked. The water piled in but stopped just at the lip of the edge. It was so silent you could hear everyone’s heartbeat.

The water was completely still and pitch black. The lights flickered and went out though there was somehow enough light to see faintly. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but it had only just begun. Through the black water a scaly hand pierced the surface and grabbed the young boy that was huddled in front of us near the edge. Screams erupted from everyone's throats. In the next instant the young woman that was once huddled beside the young boy was dragged into the water as well to meet the same fate. Scaly fists shot through the water and began to drag everyone they could get their hands on into the water.

Mother and I ran for our lives. It was utter chaos with everyone trying to get away from the terrifying fists and a fate that seemed almost worse than death. For you see the young boy emerged from the dark water. He slid himself onto the metal slab and began to crawl towards the people begging for help. Of course we would have helped him, if it had not been for the fact that he too was now scaly and disfigured. Slowly a tail and fins began to change his entire being as more and more scales pierced through his human flesh to make him a disgusting fish that would become just as those who attacked us.

We ran and ran as more people got dragged in and spit back out. Not once did we ever see the creatures who had initially dragged all those lost souls in but their spawn were everywhere and multiplying quickly. We backed up against the wall as far as we could in a small corner and prayed they would not see or sense us. Soon everything became quiet again. There was not a ripple in the water nor a scream from a victim.

We stood side by side for what seemed like eternity but was only a minute or two. Slowly we began to breathe again. Still too terrified to move we stood for even longer. My Mother pointed with her eyes at the edge. The water was slowly receding. We were so relieved we both slipped to the cold metal slab and began to sob. There were few around us that had made it through this ordeal but we all felt a wave of relief and success for making it through.

Soon all the water had vanished except for a few puddles here and there. I had found a small vial that must have washed in with the water and collected a sample. Who knows if I would ever get it tested but I sure as hell was going to tell my story, if they let me that is.  



Edges of forestry bloom rapid.
Corrosively one bites back the fear of illusion.
Distinctive waves of organic nausea weed through.
Parading loose bars in search of languid melodies.
"Learn" a voice slithered through the roughage.
Bending and twisting indecent exposure.
Carrying beyond the merrowed loins.

Allusion where for art thou in such a time of need.
I cannot speak, I cannot breathe.
Forever will you be lost,
Even when you're right beside me.
I miss your tender smile,
Your weeping eyes.
The thoughts you gave me and your lies.

Lost can no longer be found.
So I shall bend and twist my way.
Carry the loins, search for the melody
And weed through.
So that some day I will bloom.
Bloom with the rest and become the sweet illusion of disillusion.